domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Happy Gilmore

The second Movie i will be reviewing is Happy Gilmore, this classic comedy movie is about a young hockey player, which although has an amazing arm, does not cope well with the skating, after his grandma starts suffering from property loss Gilmore is forced to do something to gain money to support the family. Never having succeeded in hockey, someone asks him to try golf, and just as excepted his arm helps him play fairly well, however the outcome you must see for yourself. This a story which will leave you both laughing and lighthearted, and leaves you with a great message... but really who cares about the great message. The truly important thing is a good laugh. Although it is a classic and many have already watched it if you haven't then you’re missing out on a whole lot of fun, well i hope you enjoy the movie, and i will be back with more reviews :)

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