martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

“The way of shadows”

“The way of shadows” by Brent Weeks is a story based on a small boy who is a “street rat” and has a very tough life. Being an orphan this boy Azoth seeks help between him and his friends from the guild. But upon having the meanest leader around he starts searching for the legendary assassin Durzo blint, at first, blint doesn’t want to teach him or take him as an apprentice. But then he reframes his thoughts and assigns azoth with a task, which would change his life forever. This task was to kill the guild leader and bring Durzo, his ear… the training was harsh for the young trainee but with lots of hard work and dedication he was able to turn into a great wetboy (assassin) his name was no loner azoth, but now he as renamed by his master to be Kylar.
This book is probably one of the best ones I’ve read in a long time. being both entertaining and funny, this book is full of action and romance being based on a place relatively a realm very much alike in “the lord of the rings” this story brings a lot of suspense. Although this is only book number one there is a full trilogy of the “night angel”. I enjoyed this story even more because of the whole imagination of Brent Weeks describing the protagonist of the book.
In this thrilling story kylar starts becoming one of the best assasins in the realm, being the apprentice of durzo Blint wasn’t an easy task for the boy because of Blints never ending “surprise attacks”. Throught the book you never know if Durzo is going to end up killing the boy because of Blint’s problems with the world, but he did promise kylar that if he didn’t do what his master ordered him he would be killed…

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010


Hey guys how are you doing? I’m fine thank you now lets get to it. Today I’m gonna mention 10 things that suck about nuke boosters, first of all what is a nuke/noob booster? Nuke boosters are online players, or gamers in mw2 that get tactical insertions as equipment and go into a free for all game. Once inside this game mode they look for each other and one places the tactical insertion and lets the other one kill him 25 times until he can get the nuke. Now sincerely guys I do have to admit that I’ve done it before but now that I’m 10th prestige (hacked) I feel bad for those noobish people that need to boost, so here are some reasons why boosting is bad:
1) It is like the word explains it (noobish)
2) you don’t get any personal pride after doing it (like anyone really cares)
3) it’s stupid and a waste of time.
4) it’s also a waste of other peoples time.
5) they can report you for doing it.
6) it’s not cool
7) people get mad and will no be very happy with you ☹.
8) you have to play free for all in which case they will probably find you and kill you.
9) I don’t know what to say
Now that I’m done explaining why its stupid and boring and annoying and all of the above to noobboost, I am going to talk to you about another quick topic, ENEMY TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING ITS ALL OVER. Ok so yes I want to talk to you about some nuke tactics. First of you need a good straight forward class that you use to sit around in a certain area (camp) I recommend using the tar 21. Ok next for your killstreaks set up the following, harrier, chopper gunner, nuke. Quick reminder Never go for a nuke in small places with a lot of building because even though you get a chopper you will not be able to kill a large amount of people (you will be disappointed) go for nukes in wide open spaces such as derail or wasteland were almost none of the enemies are going to be under cover. Good luck and I wish you get your nuke :p.